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Meole Brace School

Meole Brace School


Keeping Children Safe in Education with Our Commitment to Equality & Diversity

Additional DDSL Team Members: Clare Pennal - Pupil Premium Coordinator, Jo Priestley – PIT Team, Dee McKay – SEND specialist HLTA 

Up-to-date safeguarding information is on the school website in the policies section. 


The CRS system is a way for students to notify staff of concerns they have about incidents in school. The system is set up so that reports can be made in an easy way. This method of notification can be anonymous if the student wishes it to be so.

To access the service there are QR codes below specific to each year group. All messages get sent to the safeguarding team and will be read and dealt with. 

Self-created explicit images (nudes)

Despite all our best efforts, on occasion, our children do things they regret. Across the country we are seeing a rise in the sending of self created explicit images (nudes). The NSPCC have created an incredibly useful tool that can be used by young people and parents to remove naked images that have appeared online.

We are still here to help, and to guide, and want to be a part of this process with you, but this website offers peace of mind that in a really difficult situation we can do something proactive. See the document attached at the end of this page.

Please do get in touch with me (Mr Iddon) if you would like more information or to talk through this issue.

Sexual Harassment Information and Guidance for Students and their friends / families. 

At Meole Brace School we believe that all young people have the right to live and learn in a safe and harassment free environment, but we recognise that sometimes things happen which can cause serious and prolonged distress. We want to make sure that the young people in our care know how to respond and who to come to for help if they find themselves victims of sexual harassment or any form of abuse. 



Below are some Agencies for Emotional Wellbeing Strategies, Support, and Advice Links.

Compass: Fighting for young people's mental health

Police: Advice to keep you safe and help you understand the law

Child Exploitation: statutory guidance



The NSPCC and Schools are running a campaign to encourage adults to speak up if they suspect a child is at risk of sexual abuse.

Could I encourage you to watch this video and please call The NSPCC or our Safeghuarding Lead if you have any concerns about the welfare of a child; you will never be criticised for making the call.

NSPCC Helpline: Better Safe (

NSPCC helpline number is 0800 136 663.

Sexual Harassment Information and Guidance for Students and their friends / families

At Meole Brace School we believe that all young people have the right to live and learn in a safe and harassment free environment, but we recognise that sometimes things happen which can cause serious and prolonged distress. We want to make sure that the young people in our care know how to respond and who to come to for help if they find themselves victims of sexual harassment or any form of abuse.


If you have any concerns for yourself (if you are a student) or a friend or concerns for your child email us on the above address outlining what is happening. This address is monitored throughout the day and one of our team will respond to your concern.

Sexual harassment and child on child offences are always taken seriously and we work with statutory agencies to ensure the safety and welfare of students who report concerns. These include the Police, COMPASS, Children’s Services, AXIS counselling and Purple Leaf.

For more information please see the attached document below.

FGM - Female Genital Mutilation Lesson Resources

Please see attached documents below.

Meole Brace School, Longden Road, Shrewsbury, SY3 9DW

T: 01743 235961F: 01743 364017E:

Part of the TrustEd Schools Alliance

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