Curriculum Structure
Curriculum Structure
For all year groups, each term has a theme which runs throughout that term and informs lesson sequence and delivery. The themes are: safety for the autumn term, happy, active people for the spring term (which includes social, emotional and physical health and wellbeing and also equality, diversity and inclusion) and relationships, sex and health education for the summer term. Topics within the themes are re-visited and emphasised throughout years 7 to 11.
The curriculum will have a baseline assessment and an end-of-term assessment attached to each term’s unit for year’s 7 to 10. These are assessed via student self- and peer-assessment.
The personal development curriculum also includes part of our careers provision (see separate).
To complement the curriculum lessons from form tutors, the curriculum is supported by other subject curricula, tutor group registration and assemblies. All subjects encompass student personal development and are encouraged to focus on this as appropriate-for example in PE, RE and science. There is also a weekly tutor
registration slot for PDC. This includes parts of the PSHE, RSHE and citizenship national curriculum that align with the termly themes whilst also providing an opportunity to focus on relevant, topical news items and specific aspirations and career opportunities. As for registration, school assemblies are also aligned with the termly themes and PDC curriculum via a designed assembly program.
The links below provide further information on the autumn, spring and summer term curriculum structures.