Founded in 1956, the school serves a wide area of South Shrewsbury and Bayston Hill. It is a 10 form entry school with approximately 1250 students on roll. The school enjoys a good reputation within the community, and there is a continuous focus on improving teaching and learning.
The curriculum is broad and balanced, with a key stage 3 (years 7-9) and a key stage 4 (years 10-11). We offer French as a foreign language in year 7 and a second language (German or Spanish) for a number of students from year 8. In key stage 4 all students follow a common core of subjects - English, Mathematics, Science, PE – as well as four option subjects from a wide range of subjects. In addition, all students follow courses which provide careers and sex education either across the curriculum or within the tutor programme.
Extra-curricular activities are a particular strength of the school with many opportunities provided through drama, music and sport. School visits are organised on a regular basis in support of the school's curriculum. Extended learning is a very important aspect to school life.
A high percentage of students remain in full time education beyond the age of 16. The school is part of the TrustEd CSAT Alliance which includes a number of secondary and primary schools across Shropshire. We also work closely with a range of other providers in Shrewsbury, including the Shrewsbury Colleges Group.
Meole Brace School is an inclusive school with a community mindset. We have a strong pastoral support team, who work alongside our subject teams and Special Educational Needs department, to try to ensure all students can be successful.