Headteacher's Welcome
What Are We About?
Welcome to Meole Brace School. We are proud to be a large inclusive school at the heart of our community. We are fiercely ambitious for all our pupils and we view our size as our strength. It affords us the opportunity to provide a wealth of learning opportunities and experiences for all our pupils. We offer a broad academic curriculum with a range of exciting subjects to study. This is complemented by an extensive programme of extra-curricular clubs and activities and our vibrant House system which keeps our competitive spirit very much alive. Our sports facilities are second to none and very much contribute to the hive of activity here.
At MBS, there truly is something for everyone! We work hard and play hard, and our young people enjoy coming to school. We take our pupils’ well-being and personal development equally seriously and work hard to ensure that our young people are well supported and well equipped with the knowledge and tools for successful 21ST century living. As well as being academically ambitious for our pupils, we place a strong emphasis on character education that promotes strong values and virtues that help shape our young people to become strong stewards for the communities they will go on to serve.