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Meole Brace School

Meole Brace School

British Values

A core part of the Spiritual, Moral, Social and Cultural framework that the government has set out is ‘British Values’ – a set of principles that help us understand our place in our communities, country and world.

At Meole Brace School we actively promote inclusive values. The school holds the values of our wider society to be of great importance; Democracy, the rule of law, liberty and respect. We believe British values are those values expected of anyone living in Britain regardless of nationality, culture or religious belief.

The school ethos, based on Achievement, Respect and Community, reflects these values. We place great emphasis on building strong and positive relationships between all members of our community; and we believe that the values of a strong and cohesive society are not merely taught, but lived. We hope that our students will move beyond tolerance of others and will, through exploration and experience, openly accept those they initially saw as different to themselves.

We aspire to instil values that we hope our young people will go on to live by; that they will be confident, happy, successful adults who have an understanding of the world around them and have an acceptance of and will grow to appreciate the opportunities provided to them in a broad and vibrant nation.

Meole Brace School, Longden Road, Shrewsbury, SY3 9DW

T: 01743 235961F: 01743 364017E:

Part of the TrustEd Schools Alliance

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